Thursday, November 20, 2008

You know what they say.....

the calm before the storm!!!! Yesterday was the calm today was the storm! I'm not sure I should publicly complain on my blog about my children but because 1)their internet access is very limited and 2) when they do have access the last thing they'll want to read or look at is MY blog I'll go ahead and let it fly. I do not know how I survived until 7:02pm today. it all started with Henry complaining and making all his little "sound effects" first thing at 6:15 am after getting NO sleep because Bridget will only sleep cradled in my arms and wakes up at the slightest movement. Last minute banking and errands left Harrison out in the rain and near dark because Nat and Hen just couldn't seem to pull it together in Target! We get home and poor Harrison was so afraid I'd forgotten him. "Mother of the Year" right here! We get in, unload and the screaming starts....first Bridget then HENRY? He's 9, what the heck? I nurse Bridget and KNOW she needs a nap so I put her in her new big girl crib(from the bassinet) and she screams, and scream and then she screams some more. What am I supposed to do? Boys need homework, they all need dinner and I have a counter full of groceries melting. I run up stairs bink her and restart her music. More screaming. Start dinner and run up the stairs rebink her etc etc. STILL screaming. I figure she HAS to learn how to fall asleep on her own, right? By this point Henry's started with the major attitude. I warn him, i ask him nicely, I threaten, nothing phases him, he just keeps on with it so it's bye-bye time for Henry. "Go downstairs, I can't deal. I have warned you for 30 minutes to check the 'tude" He starts WAILING tears and screams "NO NO I want to stay up here" like I'm sending him to some rat infested dungeon, ummm hi, it's like his own mini-apartment??!! He stands on the stairs pleading and screaming at me, all the while the baby is upstairs screaming her little heart out. Guilt, overwhelming guilt takes over. I think for a moment I'm being too hard on Henry, just then he says something totally disrespectful and the gulit disappears for a moment. Run upstairs, bink Bridget, restart the music...heart is breaking.... "Ferber" method sucks! I'm starting to unravel at this point and who is my little savior? Mr Harrison! So sweet so helpful, so kind. He did whatever I asked and when he was done he was willing to do more. Maybe I did do something right..........


  1. Oh I know those days all too well - except I've only got the two kids - kudos to you for doing it with 4!!! :-)

  2. Hey Kerryanne, great site and beautiful digi work. I know life is crazy with kids, but friends make it more bearable. ~ Lauren


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