Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oh happy day!

I adore my boys really I do but holy shnykies they can be a whole heck of a lot of work when combined with a colicky baby and a whirling dervish of a 3year old! They have been out of school since friday before last, PPS take the entire week of Thanksgiving off and I have no idea what yesterday was about but today's the day, BACK TO SCHOOL, back to routine, back to only fighting with them between the hours of 3pm-8pm! Don't get me wrong they're great boys but they are full of 'tween attitude these days. Henry is always complaining about something, not sure why, both those guys have a pretty good gig around here. They'd have never lasted a week in my childhood, not that it was bad at all but we had this thing called accountability, a concept my kids have yet to grasp. I guess I only have myself to blame huh? Oh my gosh I totally sound like "I walked 2 miles uphill both ways to school" just then, "kids these days"!!!!
Anywhooooo- the boys are back in school today and I'm back to our routine! Thank gosh for for The Klubhouse(drop in childcare, yay!) taking Nat to Target these days with all the christmas stuff is total torture.

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